Friday, August 30, 2013

FW 11.1-2a --Viconian ages--

11.1: It may not or maybe a no concern of the Guinnesses but.
11.2a: That the fright of his light in tribalbalbutience bides aback...
11.2b: is when a man that means a mountain barring his distance...
11.2c: with perhelps the prop of a prompt to them, was now or never...

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FDV: "That the fright of his light in tribabutience {tribalbalbutience} bides
aback in the doom of the balk of the deaf
but that the height of his life from a bride's eye stammpunct is when a man that means a mountain in his distance weds a lymph that plays the lazy when she likes
yet that pride that bogs the party begs the glory of a wake
while the scheme is like your rumba round me garden... with perhaps the prop of a prompt to them,
was now or never... for much or moment indispute."

synopsis: maybe, but — a Viconian cycle

"That the fright... bides... was... never... indispute"
"That the fright... bides... but that the height... is when a man... weds... was... never... indispute"
"That the fright... bides... but that the height... is when a man... weds... yet that pride... begs the glory... was... never... indispute"
"That the fright... bides... but that the height... is when a man... weds... yet that pride... begs the glory... while the scheme is like your rumba... was... never... indispute"

"That the fright... bides... [viconian man driven into caves by thunder]
but that the height... is when a man... weds... [wedding]
yet that pride... begs the glory of a wake... [funeral]
while the scheme is like your rumba... [cycle]
was... never... indispute"

paraphrase: That man hides from thunder, that marriage is the height of his life, that pride (hubris) kills him, while this scheme is cyclical, was never much in dispute either in town or country. [cite]

It may not or maybe a no concern of the Guinnesses but.

longshot acronym: I'M NOMAN (Ulysses)

'No concern of the Guinnesses?': subtitle given to opening of I.2 when published in Transition Stories (1929)

Guinness = business concern
concerning the genesis

That the fright of his light in tribalbalbutience

that man hides from thunder, but that marriage is the height of his life, yet that pride kills him, while the scheme is cyclical, was never much in dispute

that... but that [.03]... yet that [.06]... while [.07]

ViconianCycle (thunder, marriage, death, ricorso)
in Vico's first age, men driven into caves from fear of thunderstorms


fdv: "tribabutience" (typo missing L?)

Italian tribolo: affliction, distress
Latin balbutiens: stuttering, stammering [fweet-1]

bides aback in the doom of the balk of the deaf

cf fw4: "lived in the broadest way immarginable in his rushlit toofarback for messuages"
lives in the back of a dark room

back in the doom
balk of the deaf (Shaun deaf, Shem blind)

doombook: book of old Teutonic lore

The Book of the Dead (BD)

but that the height of his life from a bride's eye stammpunct

marriage, the institution of Vico's second age

German Hochzeit



German Stamm: origin, stem
German Standpunkt: point of view, standpoint
