Monday, September 29, 2014
[Shakespeare in FW]
[JAJ on WS]
"In my history of literature I have given the highest palms to Shakespeare, Wordsworth and Shelley."
[If on a desert island what one book?] "I should hesitate between Dante and Shakespeare but not for long. The Englishman is richer and would get my vote." But as a dramatist he placed Shakespeare far below Ibsen.
...superabundance of worldly wisdom... radiance of language... grandiose formations and deformations, puns and wonderful zaniness
other works
Venus and Adonis
494.11 "Ardonis"
027.04 "when the ritehand seizes what the lovearm knows." (158: 'Can thy right hand seize love upon thy left?')
The Rape of Lucrece
277.F04 "And a ripping rude rape in his lucreasious togery."
278.F12 "Strutting as proud as a great turquin" (Tarquin the Proud, last king of Rome)
542.29 "keyed most insultantly over raped lutetias"
The Sonnets
495.22 "forty winkers" (2: 'When forty winters shall besiege thy brow')
250.36? "Will any dubble dabble on the bay?" (137: 'the bay where all men ride')
The Tempest
(why no hits for Caliban?!?)
449.30 "sweet old Aerial" (Ariel)
I.2.379: 'Foot it featly'
292.21 "fitted fairly featly"
I.2.397: 'Full fathom five thy father lies'
312.07 "where bottoms out has fatthoms full"
IV.1.152: 'cloud-capp'd towers'
541.07 "cloud cupoled campaniles"
607.32 "a clout capped sunbubble anaccanponied"
V.1.88: 'Where the bee sucks, there suck I'
540.15 "where the bus stops there shop I"
V.1.93: 'Merrily, merrily'
341.05 "wheel of her whang goes the millner). Buckily buckily"
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
569.31 "as they're two genitalmen of Veruno"
IV.2.39: 'Who is Silvia? What is she'
211.36 "silvier — Where-is-he?
256.23 "why is limbo where is he"
The Merry Wives of Windsor
227.01 "The many wiles of Winsure."
366.30 "Fall stuff."
379.18 "Fell stiff."
456.24 "I'm fustfed like fungstif"
Sackerson [fweet-63]
I.1.260: 'I have seen Sackerson loose twenty times, and have taken him by the chain'
U180: "The flag is up on the playhouse by the bankside. The bear Sackerson growls in the pit near it, Paris garden."
Shem1: "At the time of his last disappearance in public petty constable Sigurdsen, who had been detailed to save him from lynch law, ran after him just as he was butting in through the door with a hideful saying as usual: Wherefore have they that? All Shem said was: Search me."
471.30 "while Sickerson, that borne of bjoerne, la garde auxiliaire she murmured"
282.29 "caiuscounting in the scale of pin puff pive piff, piff puff pive poo, poo puff pive pree, pree puff pive pfoor, pfoor puff pive pippive, poopive"
(Dr. Caius counting) 'Vat be all you, one, two, tree, four, come for?' (II.3.20) and 'If there be one or two, I shall make-a the turd' (III.3.208)
Measure for Measure
336.05 "measures for messieurs, messer's massed"
VI.1.1-6: 'Take, O, take those lips away, That so sweetly were forsworn'
628.14 "Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee!"
VI.1.67-69: 'ISABELLA: Little have you to say, When you depart from him, but, soft and low, 'Remember now my brother.''
628.14 "Finn, again! Take. Bussoftlhee, mememormee!"
The Comedy of Errors
425.24 "Acomedy of letters!"
089.03 "Two dreamyums in one dromium? Yes and no error." (Dromios)
410.23 "Speak to us of Emailia." (Aemilia)
598.02 "in a dromo of todos" (Dromios)
Much Ado About Nothing
227.33 "with McAdoo about nothing"
290.09 "poor old MacAdoo MacDollett"
II.3.54: 'men were deceivers ever'
412.23 "Miss Enders, poachmistress and gay receiver ever"
III.5.15: 'Comparisons are odorous'
059.10 "it is odrous comparisoning"
163.26 "his odiose by comparison"
IV.2.38: 'Yea, marry, that's the eftest way' (most ready, most convenient)
266.30 "efteased ensuer"
Love's Labour's Lost
519.06?? "the artillery of the O'Hefferns"
157.23 "it was all mild's vapour moist"
347.26 "all feller come longa villa finish" (Longaville, an avowed misogynist who forswore sex)
445.22 "tan cupid"
III.1.169: 'Dan Cupid'
138.03 "the lobster pot that crabbed our keel"
V.2.909: 'While greasy Joan doth keel the pot'
A Midsummer Night's Dream
502.29 "From Miss Somer's nice dream"
Puck [fweet-28]
425.30 "your pucktricker's ops" (Puck)
210.34 "a putty shovel for Terry the Puckaun" (Ellen Terry played Puck)
V.1.16 'airy nothing'
052.20 "that Mary Nothing"
Bottom [fweet-87]
342.31?? "From Topphole to Bottom of The Irish Race and World"
I.2.75: 'BOTTOM:... I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove'
093.17 "he was dovetimid as the dears at Bottome"
403.16 "her aal in her dhove's suckling"
II.1.164 'fancy-free'
208.16 "fancyfastened, free to undo"
IV.1.205-206: 'Man is but an ass as if he go about to expound this dream. Methought I was — there is no man can tell what'
405.06 "but I, poor ass, am but as their fourpart tinckler's dunkey"
The Merchant of Venice
(no Shylock?!?)
105.01 "Myrtles of Venice Played"
435.02 "to see the Smirching of Venus"
I.3.109: 'spit upon my Jewish gaberdine'
150.28 "takes off his gabbercoat"
I.3.149 'let the forfeit Be nominated for an equal pound Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken In what part of your body pleaseth me.'
192.17 "your pound of platinum"
II.2.78 'if you had your eyes, you might fail of the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his own child.'
322.09 "for bekersse he had cuttered up and misfutthered in the most multiplest manner for that poor old bridge's masthard slouch a shook of cloakses the wise, hou he pouly hung hoang tseu, his own fitther couldn't nose him"
IV.1.182-203 mercy and justice contrasted in Portia's speech
187.21 "mercy or justice"
V.1.83-88: 'The man that hath no music in himself Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds... Let no such man be trusted'
167.36 "mon that hoth no moses in his sole nor is not awed by conquists of word's law"
As You Like It
326.29 "winter you likes or not"
332.12 "testies touchwood" (Touchstone: the court jester)
(no 'whetstone's?)
II.7.26: 'And thereby hangs a tale'
143.15 "and the thereby hang of the Hoel of it"
II.7.139: 'All the world's a stage'
033.03 "worldstage's practical jokepiece"
278.15 "And all the world's on wish"
II.7.158: (of man's sixth age) 'lean and slipper'd pantaloon'
122.05 "leading slip by slipper"
III.2.98: 'If the cat will after kind'
394.28 "katte efter kinne"
The Taming of the Shrew
047.15? "When that frew gets a grip of old Earwicker"
All's Well That Ends Well
040.01 "All Swell That Aimswell"
Twelfth Night
508.06 "twelfth day Pax and Quantum wedding"
423.11 "Does he drink because I am sorely there shall be no more Kates and Nells."
II.3.106: 'Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?'
III.4.52 'OLIVIA Why, this is very midsummer madness.'
454.13 "all of them truetotypes in missammen massness"
The Winter's Tale
326.29 "winter you likes or not"
547.07 "I am fawned on, that which was loost."
U-9.421: 'Perdita, that which was lost' (Perdita based on Fawnia in Greene's Pandosto)
621.30 "a youth in his florizel, a boy in innocence" (Florizel)
Pericles, Prince of Tyre
306.L07 "Pericles."
628.13 "Coming, far! End here."
V.1.154-158: "I will end here"
The Two Noble Kinsmen
King John
434.18 "Moral: if you can't point a lily get to henna out of here!"
IV.2.11-16: 'to paint the lily... Is wasteful and ridiculous excess'
Richard II
381.13 "Greene's linnet collarbow and his Ghenter's gaunts" (John of Gaunt?)
Henry IV, Part 1
050.03 "thrust of his cockspurt" (Hotspur)
234.04 "bruddy Hal" (Prince Hal)
440.36 "to merry Hal" (Prince Hal)
II.2.82 'Hang ye, gorbellied knaves, are ye undone? No, ye fat chuffs: I would your store were here!'
323.16 "The goragorridgorballyed pushkalsson"
Chuff [fweet-14]
Henry IV, Part 2
234.04 "bruddy Hal" (Prince Hal)
440.36 "to merry Hal" (Prince Hal)
150.10? "Why's which Suchman's talis qualis? to whom, as a fatter of macht, Dr Gedankje of Stoutgirth"
IV.5.92: 'Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought' (German proverb Der Wunsch ist der Vater des Gedankens: proverb The wish is father to the thought)
Henry V
010.34 "A verytableland of bleakbardfields!"
II.3.16: 'a table of greene fields' amended to 'a babbl'd of green fields'
III.1.69 'The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this charge Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!''
U-15: "The gules doublet and merry Saint George for me!"
229.03 "Gout strap Fenlanns! And send Jarge for Mary Inklenders!"
Henry VI, Part 1
366.30 "Fall stuff."
379.18 "Fell stiff."
456.24 "I'm fustfed like fungstif"
Henry VI, Part 2
366.30 "Fall stuff."
379.18 "Fell stiff."
456.24 "I'm fustfed like fungstif"
Henry VI, Part 3
Richard III
319.20 "Reacher the Thaurd"
373.15 "Roger. Thuthud."
375.21 "Good for you, Richmond Rover!"
566.20 "princes of the tower royal, daulphin and deevlin"
318.21 "sad slow munch for backonham" (so much for Buckingham)
I.1.1: 'Now is the winter of our discontent'
318.20 "Now eats the vintner over these contents"
V.5.7: 'A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!'
104.11 "Buy Birthplate for a Bite"
193.31 "My fault, his fault, a kingship through a fault!"
352.09 "my oreland for a rolvever"
373.15 "Heigh hohse, heigh hohse, our kindom from an orse!"
127.19 "his aas when he lukes like Hunkett Plunkett" (Luke Plunkett, a Dublin amateur actor, played the title role in William Shakespeare: King Richard III at Theatre Royal, riding into Bosworth Field on a donkey, and so amused audience with Richard's death that they jeeringly insisted on its repetition)
Henry VIII
Troilus and Cressida
129.02 "very trolly ours"
III.3.174: 'One touch of nature makes the whole world kin'
138.36 "with one touch of nature set a veiled world agrin"
463.16 "one twitch, one nature makes us oldworld kin"
228.11 "the coriolano and the ignacio"
354.33 "corollanes"
Titus Andronicus
128.15 "rides to Titius, Caius and Sempronius" Titus Andronicus, Caius, Sempronius)
327.12 "all the Lavinias" (Lavinia)
Romeo and Juliet
144.14 "Like Jolio and Romeune."
350.22 "rawmeots and juliannes"
391.21 "from Roneo to Giliette"
553.16 "gregoromaios and gypsyjuliennes"
563.28 "Formio and Cigalette!"
152.21 "Antony Romeo"
291.12 "in juwelietry"
326.13 "our roomyo"
416.18 "Iomio! Iomio!"
II.2.33: 'Romeo, Romeo'
Timon of Athens
143??? "9. Now, to be on anew and basking again in the panaroma of all flores of speech, if a human being, duly fatigued by his dayety in the sooty, having plenxty off time on his gouty hands and vacants of space at his sleepish feet and as hapless behind the dreams of accuracy as any camelot prince of dinmurk, were, at this auctual futule preteriting unstant, in the states of suspensive exanimation, accorded, through the eye of a noodle, with an earsighted view of old hopeinhaven with all the ingredient and egregiunt whights and ways to which in the curse of his persistence the course of his tory will had been having recourses, the reverberration of knotcracking awes, the reconjungation of nodebinding ayes, the redissolusingness of mindmouldered ease and the thereby hang of the Hoel of it, could such a none, whiles even led comesilencers to comeliewithhers and till intempestuous Nox should catch the gallicry and spot lucan's dawn, byhold at ones what is main and why 'tis twain, how one once meet melts in tother wants poignings, the sap rising, the foles falling, the nimb now nihilant round the girlyhead so becoming, the wrestless in the womb, all the rivals to allsea, shakeagain, O disaster! shakealose, Ah how starring! but Heng's got a bit of Horsa's nose and Jeff's got the signs of Ham round his mouth and the beau that spun beautiful pales as it palls, what roserude and oragious grows gelb and greem, blue out the ind of it! Violet's dyed! then what would that fargazer seem to seemself to seem seeming of, dimn it all? ANSWER: A collideorscape!"
someone has apparently suggested this passage may allude to Wyndham Lewis' series of Cubo-Futurist drawings to illustrate Timon
Julius Caesar
306.L06 "Julius Caesar."
180.20 "the itch in his palm"
phrase an itching palm
III.2.21-22: 'Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more'
281.22 "What if she love Sieger less though she leave Ruhm moan?"
III.2.26-28: 'There is tears for his love, joy for his fortune, honour for his valour, and death for his ambition'
282.01 "With sobs for his job, with tears for his toil, with horror for his squalor but with pep for his perdition"
III.2.73: 'lend me your ears'
278.L11 "land me arrears"
546.33 "Earalend"
III.2.92: 'Ambition should be made of sterner stuff'
366.29 "thash on me stumpen blows the gaff off mombition and thit thides or marse makes a good dayle to be shattat. Fall stuff."
V.5.68: 'This was the noblest Roman of them all'
084.15 "in nobiloroman review"
419.22 "nobly Roman"
463.08 "nasal a Romeo"
250.34 "ach beth cac duff"
290.06 "Mac Auliffe and poor MacBeth"
302.F01 "I loved to see the Macbeths Jerseys knacking spots of the Plumpduffs"
I.1.11: 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair'
003.11 "all's fair in vanessy"
094.15 "frai is frau and swee is too"
490.15 "fairhead on foulshoulders"
I.2.1: 'What bloody man is that?'
403.12 "What named blautoothdmand is yon who stares?"
I.4.42 Inverness: Macbeth's castle
003.11? "all's fair in vanessy"
035.10 "and his rubberised inverness"
I.7.69 'What cannot you and I perform upon The unguarded Duncan? what not put upon His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt Of our great quell?'
563.36 "the hour of passings sembles quick with quelled"
II.1.20 'three weird sisters'
003.12 "sosie sesthers"
II.2.34: 'Sleep no more'
347.04 "Steep Nemorn"
II.2.41: 'Glamis hath murther'd sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more'
250.16 "Glamours hath moidered's lieb and herefore Coldours must leap no more. Lack breath must leap no more."
II.2.61: 'incarnadine' (archaic: flesh-coloured, blood-stained)
079.03 "whiggissimus incarnadined"
II.3 opens with Porter awakened by banging at gate
063.33 "hammering... against the bludgey gate for the boots"
(cited in Ulysses: U196: "Warwickshire jesuits are tried and we have a porter's theory of equivocation." = Lear II.3.8 'Faith, here's an equivocator, that could swear in both the scales against either scale; who committed treason enough for God's sake, yet could not equivocate to heaven: O, come in, equivocator.')
II.3.115: 'Look to the lady'
105.22 "Look to the Lady"
III.2.13: 'We have scotch'd the snake, not kill'd it'
019.16 "cotched the creeps of them"
210.26 "snakes in clover, picked and scotched, and a vaticanned viper catcher's visa"
289.19 "missions for mades to scotch the schlang"
422.06 "from seeing Scotch snakes"
IV.1.80: 'for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth'
055.10 "all manorwombanborn"
079.08 "as no man of woman born"
IV.1.117: 'What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?'
011.04 "when Thon's blowing toomcracks down the gaels of Thon"
V.1.48: 'All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand'
052.05 "all the bottles in sodemd histry will not soften your bloodathirst!"
V.5.19: 'Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow' (also quoted by Father Dolan in PoA1)
455.12 "Toborrow and toburrow and tobarrow!"
V.5.23: 'Out, out, brief candle!'
050.05 "outandin brown candlestock"
276.09 "Ough, ough, brieve kindli!"
V.5.26-28: 'a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing'
215.35 "A tale told of Shaun or Shem?"
515.07 "A gael galled by scheme of scorn? Nock?"
V.5.44: 'till Birnam Wood Do come to Dunsinane'
250.16 "For a burning would is come to dance inane."
V.8.12: 'I bear a charmed life'
382.02 "brindishing of his charmed life"
V.8.33-34: 'Lay on, Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries, "Hold! Enough!"'
469.20 "Lead on, Macadam, and danked be he who first sights Halt"
586.18 "Here is a homelet not a hothel."
192.21 "the cockcock crows for Danmark"
I.1.157: (of the ghost of Hamlet, king of Denmark) 'It faded on the crowing of the cock'
I.2.146: 'Frailty, thy name is woman!'
094.15 "frai is frau and swee is too"
450.32 "Bryony O'Bryony, thy name is Belladama!"
121.32 "a grand stylish gravedigging with secondbest buns"
I.2.180-181: 'The funeral bak'd meats Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables'
132.07 "burning body to aiger air"
I.4.2: 'a nipping and an eager air'
365.05 "to the manhor bourne"
I.4.15: 'to the manner born'
051.09 "with already an incipience (lust!)"
I.5.22: 'list!'
479.36 "Ess Ess. O ess."
I.5.22: 'List, list, O, list!'
628.14 "Bussoftlhee, mememormee!"
I.5.58: 'But soft! methinks I scent the morning air'
I.5.188-189: 'The time is out of joint. O cursed spite That ever I was born to set it right!'
104.05 "at disjointed times"
181.30 "jymes is out of job, would sit and write."
032.04 "if so be you have metheg in your midness"
II.2.203 'method in madness'
455.29 "Putting Allspace in a Notshall."
II.2.251-253: 'I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space; were it not that I have bad dreams'
447.04 "navel, spokes and felloes hum like hymn."
II.2.483-484: 'Break all the spokes and fellies from her wheel, And bowl the round nave down the hill of heaven'
276.08 "What's Hiccupper to hem or her to Hagaba?"
II.2.542: 'What's Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba'
II.2.553 John-a-dreams
061.04 "overlooking John a'Dream's mews"
399.18 "So, to john for a john, johnajeams, led it be!"
597.20 "all-a-dreams perhapsing"
614.29 "be he Matty, Marky, Lukey or John-a-Donk"
III.1.56: 'To be, or not to be — that is the question'
110.13 "with this me ken or no me ken Zot is the Quiztune"
182.20 "Hanno, o Nonanno, acce'l brubblemm'as" (Italian essere o non essere, questo รจ il problema)
III.1.57-58: 'Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune'
434.03 "Where it is nobler in the main to supper than the boys and errors of outrager's virtue."
319.35 "a satuation, debauchly to be watched for"
III.1.63: 'a consummation devoutly to be wish'd'
079.20 "take her bare godkin"
III.1.76: 'bare bodkin'
190.21 "your bourne of travail and ville of tares"
III.1.79-80: 'from whose bourn No traveller returns'
319.07 "We gin too gnir and thus plinary indulgence makes collemullas of us all."
III.1.83: 'Thus conscience does make cowards of us all'
477.28 "keeping time with his thripthongue"
III.2.1: (Hamlet to the players) 'Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue'
127.11 "if he outharrods against barkers"
III.2.13: 'out-herods Herod'
III.2.144: 'this is miching mallecho; it means mischief' (Spanish malhecho: misdeed)
016.01 "It is evident the michindaddy."
072.13 "Miching Daddy"
140.05 "Erit noor Non michi sed luciphro?"
291.22 "that miching micher's"
366.17 "in re Milcho Melekmans"
423.35 "for itching"
468.26 "Mymiddle toe's mitching"
550.26 "to wring her withers limberly"
III.2.234: 'our withers are unwrung'
III.2.367: 'Very like a whale'
120.11 "padded, very like a whale's egg"
307.F02 "Wherry like the whaled prophet"
379.01 "And you'll nose it"
IV.3.36: 'you shall nose him'
350.33 "Sunda schoon"
IV.5.26: 'And his sandal shoon'
IV.5.174-180: 'There's rosemary, that's for remembrance... And there is pansies, that's for thoughts... violets'
226.32 "W waters the fleurettes of novembrance." (purple flower, in bloom in November)
403.10 "wobiling befear my remembrandts"
443.14 "He'll have pansements"
561.20 "Here's newyearspray, the posquiflor"
005.05 "Of the first was he to bare arms and a name"
V.1.27-35: 'CLOWN:... There is no ancient gentlemen but gard'ners, ditchers, and grave-makers. They hold up Adam's profession... 'A was the first that ever bore arms... The Scripture says Adam digg'd. Could he dig without arms?'
321.11 "a kiber galler dragging his hunker"
V.1.130-132: 'the age is grown so picked that the toe of the peasant comes so near the heel of the courtier he galls his kibe'
190.19 "like any boskop of Yorek"
V.1.169 Yorick's skull
278.F03 "the diminitive that chafes our ends"
V.2.10: 'There's a divinity that shapes our ends'
King Lear
398.23 "kingly leer"
I.2.15: 'Got 'tween asleep and wake'
192.20 "fame would come to you twixt a sleep and a wake"
III.2.60: 'More sinn'd against than sinning'
523.09 "may be been as much sinned against as sinning"
III.4.174: 'Fie, foh, and fum'
007.10 "foefom the Fush."
011.07 "Fe fo fom!"
133.17 "fiefeofhome"
297.04 "Fin for fun!"
309.09 "with Finnfannfawners"
367.23 "to fare fore forn"
370.28 "the feof of the foef of forfummed"
491.29 "Maomi, Mamie, My Mo Mum!"
532.03 "Fa Fe Fi Fo Fum!"
545.23 "Fee for farm."
596.24 "with freeflawforms"
608.31 "unto fierce force fuming"
623.16 "vim vam vom"
IV.6.106: 'every inch a king'
152.34 "every inch of an immortal"
586.18 "Here is a homelet not a hothel."
088.14 "It was Morbus O' Somebody?"
281.16 "Cassio"
281.17 "'tis demonal!"
281.21 "moor's so woful sally. Ancient's aerger" ('Moor', 'Willow Song' sally: willow, Iago 'Ancient')
281.F07 "a niggar for spending" (Othello)
305.18 "Old Keane now, you're rod, hook and sinker" (Old Keane = actor who died while playing Othello to his son's Iago, after the words 'Othello's occupation's gone')
III.3.165: 'O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster'
088.15 "And how did the greeneyed mister arrive"
193.10 "make you go green in the gazer"
249.03 "be the grand old greeneyed lobster" (a Dublin actor named Layfield supposedly went mad, saying 'It is a green-eyed lobster.')
Antony and Cleopatra
020.03 "his cousin charmian" Charmian
527.18 "under nue charmeen cuffs"
152.21 "Antony Romeo"
157.27 "Enobarbarus"
167.01 "elusive Antonius"
271.06 "Anthemy."
I.5.73: 'My salad days'
468.04 "in my augustan days? With cesarella looking on."
IV.15.66-67: 'And there is nothing left remarkable Beneath the visiting moon'
493.18 "And there is nihil nuder under the clothing moon."
020.30 "of golden youths that wanted gelding"
IV.2.262: 'Golden lads and girls all must'
251.17 "wishmarks of mad imogenation" (Imogen, spied on when undressing)
292.25 "symibellically"
607.10 "cymbaloosing the apostles" (Cymbeline, Posthumus)
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