Sunday, February 5, 2012

FW 17.5m --Ireland's 32 counties--

17.5a: Vah! Suvarn Sur! Scatter brand to the reneweller of the sky,...
17.5b: We, Durbalanars, theeadjure. A way, the Margan, from our astamite,...
17.5c: Even unto Heliotropolis, the castellated, the enchanting. Now if soomone...
17.5d: Yet clarify begins at. Whither the spot for? Whence the hour by? See but!...
17.5e: A flasch and, rasch, it shall come to pasch, as hearth by hearth leaps live....
17.5f: The spearspid of dawnfire totouches ain the tablestoane ath the centre...
17.5g: Overwhere. Gaunt grey ghostly gossips growing grubber in the glow. Past now palls....
17.5h: Let shrill their duan Gallus, han, and she, hon, the Sassqueehenna,...
17.5i: Kwhat serves to rob with Alliman, saelior, a turnkeyed trot to Seapoint, pierrotettes,...
17.5k: Death banes and the quick quoke. But life wends and the dombs spake!...
17.5l: Lambel on the up! We may plesently heal Geoglyphy's twentynine ways...
17.5m: For korfs, for streamfish, for confects, for bullyoungs, for smearsassage,...
17.5o: Tep. Come lead, crom lech! Top. Wisely for us Old Bruton has withdrawn his theory....
17.5p: We seem to understand apad vellumtomes muniment, Arans Duhkha,...
17.5q: how the mudden research in the topaia that was Mankaylands...

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FDV: [nothing]

context: it's a long way to Tipperary...

32 'for'-mostly-food clauses, supposedly reflecting the 32 Irish Counties

the missing counties may include Derry, Down, Dublin, Kilkenny?, Mayo?, Tipperary (above) and Tyrone

For korfs, for streamfish, for confects,

Swedish korv: sausage
County Cork? (Irish Counties)

Swedish strömming: herring
steamed fish

Swedish konfekt: sweetmeats, candy, sweets

for bullyoungs, for smearsassage, for patates,

Swedish buljong: clear soup, bouillon
bull youngs (calves?)

Dutch smeerworst: sausage spread
Swedish smörsås: sauce made with melted butter
Swedish smörgås: sandwich
Dublin accent sassage: sausage

Italian patate: potatoes

for steaked pig, for men, for limericks,

steak and pie
Swedish stekt: roasted, baked
stuck pig

County Mayo?? (Irish Counties)
men not food

County Limerick (Irish Counties)
poems (not food)

for waterfowls, for wagsfools, for louts,

County Waterford (Irish Counties)

County Wexford (Irish Counties)
men not food

County Louth (Irish Counties)
men not food

for cold airs, for late trams, for curries,

County Kildare (Irish Counties)
not food?

County Leitrim (Irish Counties)
not food

curry (dish)
County Kerry (Irish Counties)

for curlews, for leekses, for orphalines,

County Carlow (Irish Counties)

leek (culinary herb)
County Leix (Irish Counties)

County Offaly (Irish Counties)
pralines? tourmalines??

for tunnygulls, for clear goldways, for lungfortes,

tunny (fish)
County Donegal (Irish Counties)

County Clare (Irish Counties)
Claregalway: town, County Galway
County Galway (Irish Counties)
not food

County Longford (Irish Counties)
not food?

for moonyhaunts, for fairmoneys, for coffins,

County Monaghan (Irish Counties)
not food

County Fermanagh (Irish Counties)
not food

County Cavan (Irish Counties)
not food

for tantrums, for armoires, for waglugs,

County Antrim (Irish Counties)
not food

County Armagh (Irish Counties)
not food

no armoires in Ulysses

County Wicklow (Irish Counties)
lugs = ears
lugwagger = Earwicker?

for rogues' comings, for sly goings,

County Roscommon (Irish Counties)
not food

County Sligo (Irish Counties)
not food

for larksmathes, for homdsmeethes, for quailsmeathes,


German Hemd: shirt

County Meath? (Irish Counties)

quail's meat
Swedish kvällsmat: supper
County Westmeath?? (Irish Counties)


County Kilkenny?? (Irish Counties)
kill all who
VI.B5.61: 'Killaloe' in county Clare
fw15.11 "as, on the eve of Killallwho"


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