Monday, September 15, 2014

FW 1.27e --Quinet quote completed--

1.27a: Now after all that farfatch'd and peragrine or dingnant or clere lift we our ears, eyes of the darkness...
1.27b: Lean neath stone pine the pastor lies with his crook; young pricket by pricket's sister nibbleth...
1.27c: Thus, too, for donkey's years. Since the bouts of Hebear and Hairyman the cornflowers...
1.27d: and, though for rings round them, during a chiliad of perihelygangs, the Formoreans...
1.27e: and Little on the Green is childsfather to the City (Year! Year! And laughtears!), these paxsealing...

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FDV: "& Little on the Green is childsfather of the city, their paxsealing buttonholes have quadrilled across the centuries and here now whiff to us fresh & [laid]{maid}-of-all-smiles as on the day of combat." →
"& Little on the Green is childsfather of the city, these paxsealing buttonholes have quadrilled across the centuries and here now whiff to us fresh & made-of-all-smiles as on the day of Killallwhoo."

"...while the civilizations have collided with each other and smashed, their peaceful generations have passed through the ages and have come up to us, fresh and laughing as on the days of battles."

and Little on the Green is childsfather to the City

Little Green street, Dublin (site of markets) [1909 map] [StreetView now]

"on the Green" common placename eg 'inn on the green' [fweet-6]

William Wordsworth: My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold: 'The Child is father to the Man' [etext]
implying 'LotG' gradually became Dublin?

(Year! Year! And laughtears!),

hear! hear!

(odd capitalisation)


these paxsealing buttonholes have quadrilled across the centuries

EQ: "their peaceful generations"

Latin pax: peace
wax seal
peace pact sealed

colloquial button-hole: button-hole flower

quadrille: a dance [yT]; also an 18thC card game

and whiff now whafft to us,

whiff-whaff = pingpong [cite] properly 'whiff-waff'

fresh and made-of-all-smiles as on the eve of Killallwho.

maid-of-all-work = general domestic servant

EQ: "as on the days of battle" (why "eve"?)

cf T&I3: "the universities of killorcure, kill-them-all, killeachother, killkelly-on-the-Flure"

VI.B5.61: 'Killaloe'
Killaloe: town, County Clare, site of Brian Boru's palace

FW1: "as, on"


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