What then agentlike brought about that tragoady thundersday this municipal sin business?...
Stay us wherefore in our search for tighteousness, O Sustainer, what time we rise and when...
Otherways wesways like that provost scoffing bedoueen the jebel and the jpysian sea. Cropherb...
It may half been a missfired brick, as some say, or it mought have been due to a collupsus...
(what with the wallhall's horrors of rollsrights, carhacks, stonengens, kisstvanes, tramtrees...
and the hoyse and the jollybrool and the peeler in the coat and the mecklenburk bitch bite...
and the noobibusses sleighding along Safetyfirst Street and the derryjellybies snooping...
of his ville's indigenous romekeepers, homesweepers, domecreepers, thurum and thurum...
wan warning Phill filt tippling full. His howd feeled heavy, his hoddit did shake. (There was a wall...
[last] [fweb-toc] [fweet] [finwake] [theall] [pgs]
added 1938
lead-in: "For a nod to the nabir is better than a wink to the wabsanti..."
Otherways wesways like that provost scoffing
Arabic: weswas: whisperer (an epithet of the devil)
Dr Salmon, provost of Trinity College, gets several mentions in Ulysses
prophet's coffin
VI.B45.106: 'coffin between Mt & S' (mountain and sky?) (there is a derogatory legend, not in Holland's book, that Mohammed's coffin is ever-suspended in the air between the earth and heaven)
bedoueen the jebel and the jypsian sea.
VI.B45.104: 'bedouin'
The Story of Mohammed 31: 'It was the custom in Meccah to give young children into the care of Bedouin women, thus sending them away from the hot and dusty city into the pure air of the desert'
phrase between the devil and the deep blue sea
Arabic: jebel: mount
FW1 had "jpysian"
Penguin typo: "bedoneen"
'better to choose wrong than not to choose'?
Cropherb the crunchbracken shall decide.
VI.B45.108: 'al Kaswa (the cropeared camel)'
The Story of Mohammed 84: 'Mohammed and the guide rode a camel called "Al-Kaswa," or the Crop-eared'
VI.B45.109: 'camel shall decide'
The Story of Mohammed 90: 'As Mohammed entered Medinah, he was beset on all sides by the invitations of the Faithful... But Mohammed, perhaps fearing to create jealousies by favouring one more than another, said: "The camel shall decide, let her go free"'
bracken ferns are poisonous to some animals
ie random throw?
Then we'll know if the feast is a flyday.
VI.B45.109: 'Friday mosque'
The Story of Mohammed 90: 'the procession halted, and Mohammed led the prayers and preached to the assembled people. On the spot where this happened in now a mosque, which is known as the "Friday Mosque." Friday was chosen, later on, as the day specially set apart for the service of God, like the Christian Sunday'
chosen randomly?
Latin musca: fly (sounds like 'mosque') (2-level pun = farfetched?)
Penguin: "know it the"
She has a gift of seek on site and she allcasually ansars helpers, the dreamydeary.
why "She"?
second sight
Al-Kaswa = camel's name ()
all casually answers
VI.B45.109: 'ansar helper'
The Story of Mohammed 91: 'the citizens of Medinah, who were converts, were called Ansars, or Helpers'
dromedary camel
Heed! Heed!
Penguin: "Heed! Heed."
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