Saturday, August 30, 2014

FW 1.76d --it's our Creation--

1.76a: For, be that samesake sibsubstitute of a hooky salmon, there's already a big rody ram...
1.76b: humphing his share of the showthers is senken on him he's such a grandfallar...
1.76c: And aither he cursed and recursed and was everseen doing what your fourfootlers saw...
1.76d: Though Eset fibble it to the zephiroth and Artsa zoom it round her heavens...
1.76e: But however 'twas 'tis sure for one thing, what Sherif Toragh voucherfors...
1.76f: with a bumrush in a hull of a wherry, the twin turbane dhow, The Bey for Dybbling...
1.76g: and has been repreaching himself like a fishmummer these sixtyten years ever since...
1.76h: our old offender was humile, commune and ensectuous from his nature...

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FDV: [nothing]

Though Eseb fibble it to the zephiroth

Aesop's Fables (cf fw308 "Esop" general pattern of e-for-ae)

fw1 has 'Eset'
Hebrew eshet: wife of (form of Hebrew isha: woman, wife)

fib: lie

Zephyr: the west wind personified
Sephiroth: the ten emanations of Ain Soph in kabbalistic lore

and Artsa zoom it round her heavens for ever.

Eseb and Artsa = Adam and Eve? Eve and Adam??

Hebrew artsa: to the earth (form of Hebrew erets: earth, country)
a star (anagram)
Latin astra: star

'zoom' as a verb dates to 1892? [wkt]

Creator, he has created for his creatured ones a creation.

create (x4)

creator = artist?


White monothoist? Red theatrocrat?

in PoA, the white rose was York, the red Lancaster

White and Red political factions (especially during the Russian Civil War)
red = communist

white dwarf (1932??), red giant (1921): types of stars

monotheist: a believer in one god
(but why THO? thou? thought?)

rule by theatre?
theocracy: priest-rule (Viconian age)

And all the pinkprophets cohalething? Very much so!

red + white = pink (compromise)

(why no space?)


Hebrew 'qoheleth' = Ecclesiastes (after its author/assembler 'preacher'?)


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