Thursday, September 11, 2014

FW 1.56b-1.61 --Mutt as soothsayer--

1.55: Jute.— 'Zmorde!
1.56a: Mutt.— Meldundleize! By the fearse wave behoughted. Despond's sung. And thanacestross mound...
1.56b: He who runes may rede it on all fours. O'c'stle, n'wc'stle, tr'c'stle, crumbling! Sell me sooth...

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FDV: "He who runes may read it. But speak siftly." →
"He who runes may read it. But speak siftly. Be in your whisht. Whyst? 'Tis viking viceking's soil."

He who runes may rede it on all fours.

runes = writes runes

phrase he that runs may read: it is easily readable (based on a misquote of OTHbk 2:2: 'Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables: that he that readeth it may run over it')

German Rede: speech

on all four walls
on hands and knees

O'c'stle, n'wc'stle, tr'c'stle, crumbling!

viconian cycle: gods, heroes, men, anarchy

O' / n'w / tr' + c'stle

one, two, three (three castles on the Dublin coat-of-arms)

old, new, three

nautical fo'c'sle: forecastle, the fore part of a ship (vs aftcastle)

old castle = Howth Castle?
Newcastle and Crumlin [7 miles] trams/trains?

pronunciation: OCKsill NOOKsill TRECKsill?

Sell me sooth the fare for Humblin! Humbeldy Fair.

obsolete sell: to give
tell me truth
soothsayer = fortuneteller

tram fare

"crumbling... Humblin"

FW1 has "Humblady"

tumble, tumbledown
why not humbLEdy?
cf mumbletypeg?
humbledy vs vanity fair?

But speak it allsosiftly, moulder! Be in your whisht!

also, softly, mister
one who molds

Irish Bí i bhur thost!: be quiet

AngloIrish whist!: silence!

JUTE: Whysht? MUTT: The gyant Forficules with Amni the fay.

why, hushed

because E and △ are here

gyant = giant (old spelling, eg Spenser)
gyan = knowledge (Sanskrit)

Forficula: genus of earwigs
so, the giant earwigs?
the St Helena Giant Earwig became extinct in 2014

Latin amnis: river
amnion = fetal membrane

fey = enchanted
Morgana le Fay, King Arthur's sister, sorceress

JUTE: Howe? MUTT: Here is viceking's graab. JUTE: Hwaad!

Dialect howe: tumulus, barrow, burial mound
Howe: site of the Norse parliament (Thingmote) in Dublin during Viking occupation 


Ibsen play:: The Viking's Barrow

German Grab: grave
FDV: "soil" (ie, shit)

Old English hwaet: what, lo (used to introduce a statement)
Danish hvad: what 


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