Thursday, September 18, 2014

FW 1.15e --dancing on HCE's landscape--

1.15a: Then as she is on her behaviourite job of quainance bandy, fruting for firstlings and taking her tithe...
1.15b: like so many heegills and collines, sitton aroont, scentbreeched and somepotreek, in their swishawish...
1.15c: We may see and hear nothing if we choose of the shortlegged bergins off Corkhill or the bergamoors...
1.15d: though every crowd has its several tones and every trade has its clever mechanics and each harmonical...
1.15e: But all they are all there scraping along to sneeze out a likelihood that will solve and salve life's robulous...
1.15f: Behove this sound of Irish sense. Really? Here English might be seen. Royally? One sovereign punned...

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But all they are all there scraping along

"all they are all" ?

scraping = playing stringed instrument with bow

to sneeze out a likelihood that will solve and salve life's robulous rebus,

squeeze out a livelihood

Romulus and Remus


rebus: word-puzzle (from Latin rebus: by things, from things)

hopping round his middle like kippers on a griddle, O,

song Phil the Fluter's Ball: 'Hopping in the middle like a herrin' on a griddle, O!'

as he lays dormont from the macroborg of Holdhard

lies dormant

French mont: German Berg: mountain

from Howth Head (head) to the Magazine Fort in Phoenix Park (feet)

macro, micro

hold hard
Howth Head?

to the microbirg of Pied de Poudre.

French pied poudreux: vagabond (literally 'dusty foot')

Pie Poudre: a court formerly held at a fair for quick treatment of hawkers, etc.

song Phil the Fluter?

French poudre: powder, gunpowder


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