Saturday, September 13, 2014

FW 1.43-45 --money exchanged--

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FDV: "Jute— You are almost inedible to me. Become a little wiseable. Let me cross your. [...] Boohooros I trumple in my mines when I rememmerem.
Jute— Let me cross your qualm with gilt. Here is coyne, a piece of oake." →
"Jute— You are almost inedible to me. Become a little more wiseable as if I were you.
Mutt-- Up Urp Boohooru! Boroorusurp Booru! Usurp! I trumple with wrath from rath in mine mines when I rememmerem.
Jute— Let me cross your qualm with trinkgilt. Here is coyne, a piece of oaks."

JUTE: You that side your voise are almost inedible to me.



(it was Mutt who had hearing problems, but now it's Jeff?)

Become a bitskin more wiseable, as if I were you.

speak up, wise up, cooperate, surrender

German ein bisschen: a little

wise up?

FDV: "Become a little wiseable."

MUTT: Has? Has af? Hasafency? Urp Boohooru! Booru Usurp!

FW1 had "Has at? Hasatency?"


FDV: "Up"

boohoo = (fake) weeping
boo = disapproving

alarmed? suspecting treachery?

_JJow: Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages: 'the usurper Brian Boru' (for ending the long-lived O'Neill clan dynasty of high-kings)

I trumple from rath in mine mines when I rimimirim!


wrath in my mind
Rathmines: district of Dublin

remember him (IM: song War Song: Remember the Glories of Brien the Brave (about Brian Boru))
Italian mi rimiro: I look at myself
rimimir, mirim are palindromes

JUTE: One eyegonblack. Bisons is bisons.

agon = contest (pronun??)

eye gone black (Joyce wore a black eye-patch at times, Shem has "an eighth of a larkseye")
German Augenblick: moment

slang bison: nickel (United States coin)
phrase business is business
phrase bygones are bygones
two sons

Let me fore all your hasitancy cross your qualm with trinkgilt.



phrase cross one's palm with silver: to bribe, to tip, to pay

German Trinkgeld: tip
gilt trinket

Mutt admitted to being an utterer, but maybe now Jute is passing counterfeits too?

Here have silvan coyne, a piece of oak.

silver coin
sylvan = of the forest (oak, fir, yew) tree = Shem

coyne and livery: billeting practised under Brehon Laws by Irish chiefs

piece of eight

Ghinees hies good fir yew.

Ghini = 16thC botanist (fir, yew)
hies = hurries

phrase Guinness is good for you (advertisement)


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