Thursday, September 4, 2014

FW 1.70b --HCE's ambivalence--

1.70a: He dug in and dug out by the skill of his tilth for himself and all belonging to him...
1.70b: Unfru-Chikda-Uru-Wukru and begad he did, our ancestor most worshipful, till he thought...
1.70c: And will again if so be sooth by elder to his youngers shall be said. Have you whines...
1.71: Anam muck an dhoul! Did ye drink me doornail?

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FDV: "and begad he did till his earsend to earsend." →
"and begad he did in his windower's house twith a blush mantle upon him from earsend to earsend. And would again could whispring grassies wake him."


Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker

German dialect Fru: wife
un-fru = without wife = widower?


'uru' = the west (Maori)


that mighty liberator, and begad he did,

the Liberator = Daniel O'Connell

slang begad: by God
archaic begat: begot

our ancestor most worshipful, till he thought of a better one

eg, a better excuse (not to do his duties)

in his windower's house with that blushmantle upon him from earsend to earsend.

George Bernard Shaw: Widowers' Houses: an unpleasant play [ebook]

Mark 12:38-40: 'Beware of the scribes... Which devour widows' houses'

Castletown House, County Kildare, was said to have a window for each day of the year (see p10) cf "earsend to earsend"

phrase blushing from ear to ear (more often 'smiling')

1Kings 19:19: 'Elisha the son of Shaphat... and Elijah passed by him, and cast his mantle upon him' (as a sign of succession)

fdv: "till his earsend to earsend"
year's end (December)

And would again could whispring grassies wake him.

whispering grasses

whispering gases = Bloom's fart?

And may again when the fiery bird disembers.

May, December

phoenix rising from ashes



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