Friday, September 12, 2014

FW 1.51, 1.52a -Jute's in denial-

1.51: Jute.— Boildoyle and rawhoney on me when I can beuraly forsstand a weird from sturk to finnic...
1.52a: Mutt.— Quite agreem. Bussave a sec.
1.52b: Walk a dun blink roundward this albutisle and you skull see how olde ye plaine of my Elters...
1.52c: Let erehim ruhmuhrmuhr. Mearmerge two races, swete and brack. Morthering rue. Hither...
1.52d: Now are all tombed to the mound, isges to isges, erde from erde. Pride, O pride, thy prize!
1.53: Jute.— 'Stench!
1.54a: Mutt.— Fiatfuit! Hereinunder lyethey...

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FDV: "Jute— Boiledoil for me if I can forestand you your norse noise as you make out of it. {Good aftermeal!}
Mutt— Rest a while." →
"Jute— Boiledoyl & rawhony on me if I can forestand such a noise norse as you make out of it. You tell of rutterdamrott unheardof & unscene. Good aftermeal! See you doomed.
Mutt— Rest a while."

JUTE: Boiledoyle and rawhoney on me

boiled oil and raw honey (both were used as forms of torture, the former by immersion, the latter by attraction of biting insects)

Baldoyle and Raheny: districts of Dublin

when I can beuraly forstand a weird from sturk to finnic

German wenn: if

French beurre: butter
Irish Béarla: English language

barely understand a word

Danish forstand: understanding

Doctor Sturk: a character in LeFanu, who lives in Chapelizod and is knocked unconscious in Phoenix Park, but recovers briefly before dying (his damaged skull inspires the book, a century later)

start to finish
Turkish to Finnish

Finnic: pertaining to the Finnish people, or to a branch of languages comprising Finnish, Estonian and related languages
finnoc: a white trout

in such a patwhot as your rutterdamrotter, onheard of and umscene!

French patois: dialect, cant
pat what

Rotterdam: a city in the Netherlands (name means 'muddy water')
rotter = cad, ratrut = lust, fucking
longshot: German Götterdämmerung: twilight of the gods (doesn't add any new letters beyond Rotterdam)

FDV: "your norse noise" "such a noise norse" → → "such a patwhot as your rutterdamrotter"
why "noise norse"? just adjective after noun?

Dutch on-: un-
unheard of

German umsehen: look around (why?)

Gut aftermeal! See you doomed.

German gut: good
good afternoon!
get after (behind) me

after meal = (eg) postprandial

phrase I'll see you damned first
see you soon

MUTT: Quite agreem. Bussave a sec.

a dream


wait a second
sec = thirst


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