Tuesday, September 9, 2014

FW 1.67c --familiar stories--

1.67a: Cry not yet! There's many a smile to Nondum, with sytty maids per man, sir, and the park's so dark...
1.67b: One's upon a thyme and two's behind their lettice leap and three's among the strubbely beds...
1.67c: That one of a wife with folty barnets. For then was the age when hoops ran high. Of a noarch...
1.67d: Malmarriedad he was reversogassed by the frisque of her frasques and her prytty pyrrhique...
1.67e: Flou inn, flow ann. Hohore! So it's sure it was her not we! But lay it easy, gentle mien, we are in rearing...

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FDV: "Of a man and of a wife and of a pomme and a famme or of the youths that wanted gilding or of the maid miss that made a man." →
"Of a noarch and a chopwife or of a pomme so fall grave and a fammy of levity or of golden youths that wanted gilding or of what the misschievmiss maide a man do."

setup: more earwig stories

That one of a wife with folty barnets.

longshot: 'Forty Bonnets': nickname of Mrs Tommy Healy of Galway, Nora's aunt, from her great variety of hats (she had no children)


Danish barnets: the child's

LLR I.166: 'The tall bonnets of the 15thC, a hair-style raised high above the forehead, had passed into proverb by the next century, and the expression from the time of the tall bonnets reappears often under the quill of Rabelais'

For then was the age when hoops ran high.

Dutch hoop: hope

Of a noarch and a chopwife;

Noah, ark

Thomas Hardy uses 'shop-wife'

or of a pomme full grave and a fammy of levity;

French pomme: apple
French homme: man

gravid = pregnant

gravity/levity = Shaun/Shem?

French affamé: famished
French femme: woman


or of golden youths that wanted gelding;

Cymbeline IV.2.262: 'Golden lads and girls all must'


phrase gilded youth

German Geld: money

gelding: castration (why would they want gelding??? maybe just metaphorically blocking promiscuous behavior?)

gilding (not needed if they're already golden)

cf U-Telemachus: "Young shouts of moneyed voices in Clive Kempthorpe's rooms. Palefaces: they hold their ribs with laughter, one clasping another. O, I shall expire! Break the news to her gently, Aubrey! I shall die! With slit ribbons of his shirt whipping the air he hops and hobbles round the table, with trousers down at heels, chased by Ades of Magdalen with the tailor's shears. A scared calf's face gilded with marmalade. I don't want to be debagged! Don't you play the giddy ox with me!"

or of what the mischievmiss made a man do.

FDV: "or of the maid that made a man."


"made" = seduced


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