Friday, September 5, 2014

FW 1.69a --the cycle begins with the sin--

1.69a: O foenix culprit! Ex nickylow malo comes mickelmassed bonum. Hill, rill, ones in company...
1.69b: Quarry silex, Homfrie Noanswa! Undy gentian festyknees, Livia Noanswa! Wolkencap is on him...
1.69c: She he she ho she ha to la. Hairfluke, if he could bad twig her! Impalpabunt, he abhears...
1.69d: Landloughed by his neaghboormistress and perpetrified in his offsprung, sabes and suckers...
1.69e: there would not be a holey spier on the town nor a vestal flouting in the dock, nay to make plein...

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FDV: "O phenix culprit! Ex nicklow cometh good. Hill and rill, we see but {for that} they will not speak the secret of their silentness." →
"O phenix culprit! Ex nicklow cometh good. Hill, rill once in company {billeted}, less be proud of. Breast it {high} and bestride! only for that they will not breathe the secrest of their sourcelessness."

synopsis: he, the silent mountain — she, the babbling stream

O foenix culprit!

'Exsultet': 'O felix culpa!' (Holy Saturday (Easter eve) prayer sung on lighting the Paschal candle, beginning with 'Exsultet' and including the phrase 'O felix culpa, quae talem ac tantum meruit habere Redemptorem!': 'O happy fault, that merited such and so great a Redeemer!'; the 'O felix culpa!' notion is possibly based on St Augustine: without Adam's sin the redeemer would not have been born; also, without Lucifer's sin Adam would not have been created) (Felix Culpa)

phoenix (a symbol used by Michelet to explain Vico's theory)
Phoenix Park; the Phoenix Park assassins?

VI.B25.17: 'culprit'

Ex nickylow malo comes mickelmassed bonum.

Latin ex nihilo nihil fit: out of nothing comes nothing (Persius: Satires 1.84: 'De nihilo nihilum': 'Nothing can come out of nothing')

Latin ex malo bonum fit: out of evil comes good

Letters 13May27 (to HSW): 
out of nothing comes nothing
out of evil good is made
“Mickelmassed (Michael his conqueror = much heaped up)”

Czech: nicky: nulls, zeros

Latin malum: apple (Eve's)
Russian malo: a little, few

dialect mickle: much

Nicky (Old Nick, Lucifer, Satan)
Mickelmassed (Michael, his conqueror = much heaped up)
Malum in Latin means evil and apple. (Letters 13May27, to HSW)


Hill, rill, ones in company, billeted, less be proud of.

hill and rill (HCE and ALP)

fdv: "once in company" (no longer together)


(Arthur Guinness) Sons and Company, Limited

billeted = ordered to live together

let's be proud (of parents)
less to be proud of
“be proud of them but naturally, as hill (go up it) as river (jump it)” Letters 13May27 (to HSW) natural to surpass parents

Breast high and bestride!

fdv: "Breast it"

breast high: (hunting) having a strong scent?
hill breast high, water breast deep?

bestride the river, one foot on each bank
best rid = good riddance

Only for that these will not breethe upon Norrönesen or Irenean the secrest of their soorcelossness.

fdv: "we see but they will not speak" (Freud's primal scene?)
→ "but for that" → "only for that"

only because

breed? seethe?

they won't tell the secret of their source

Norronesen = Old Norse, warrior (Letters 13May27, to HSW)

fw1: Norronesen
Penguin had "NorrĂ´nesen"

Norse or Irish born

Irena: Edmund Spenser's name for Ireland
eirenic: of peace
Irenean = Irish born, peace (eirene) (Letters 13May27, to HSW)
Irenaeus: Bishop of Lyon (2nd century) [wiki]

sea crest

secrest = superlative of most secret
soorcelossness = the source is not to be found any more than that of the Nile  (Letters 13May27, to HSW)

source of Nile


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