Friday, September 5, 2014

FW 1.69c --HCE tormented by soundwaves--

1.69a: O foenix culprit! Ex nickylow malo comes mickelmassed bonum. Hill, rill, ones in company...
1.69b: Quarry silex, Homfrie Noanswa! Undy gentian festyknees, Livia Noanswa! Wolkencap is on him...
1.69c: She he she ho she ha to la. Hairfluke, if he could bad twig her! Impalpabunt, he abhears...
1.69d: Landloughed by his neaghboormistress and perpetrified in his offsprung, sabes and suckers...
1.69e: there would not be a holey spier on the town nor a vestal flouting in the dock, nay to make plein...

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FDV: "she he she ho she ha to la: hairfluke, if he could but twig her!: he is
impalpabunt, he abhears." →
"she he she ho she ha to la: hairfluke, if he could but twig her!:
impalpabunt, he abhears. The soundwaves are his buffeteers: They trompe him with their trompes: the wave of roaring and the wave of hooshed and the wave of bawahawrd and the wave of dontmindthesefellowsbutlistentome {neverheedthemhorseluggarsandlistletomine}."

Joyce 'explained' the section starting with "Ex nickylow" to Harriet Weaver: "...the curse of the Lord on you for not talking louder, He tries to grab her hair which he hopes to catch by a fluke... His ear having failed, he clutches with his hand & misses & turns away hopeless and unhearing (he abhears)"

She he she ho she ha to la.

had to laugh
cf 583.26: "Kickakick. She had to kick a laugh."
cf 617.16: "Fing! One must simply laugh."

ALP loses consonants, HCE lost vowels? ("spch spck")

Hairfluke, if he could bad twig her!

he tries to grab her hair which he hopes to catch by a fluke

German Herr: Mr, gentleman
German verflucht!: accursed, damn (expletive)


Anglo-Irish twig: understand
beat with a twig

Impalpabunt, he abhears.


VulgateOT Psalmsm 113:7: 'Manus habent et non palpabunt' (Latin 'They have hands, but they handle not')

German abhören: to listen to, to listen in on, to hear recitation
archaic abear: to tolerate

The soundwaves are his buffeteers.

pounding against the promontory of his head


They trompe him with their trompes:

tromp (on)
French tromper: deceive
trump (at cards)
French trompe: elephant's trunk
Tromp: family name of famous Dutch admirals

the wave of roary and the wave of hooshed and the wave of bawhawawrd

Four Waves of Ireland: four points on Irish coast (the Waves of Rory, Tuath, Cleena and Scéina)

cf 254.02: "by Rurie, Thoath and Cleaver, those three stout sweynhearts"



who said (two syllables?)
hushed (one syllable)
colloquial 'hoosh' = to drive or force (an animal) off or away

backward? forward?

"the wave of... and the wave of... and the wave of... and the wave of..."

and the wave of neverheedthemhorseluggarsandlistletomine.

never heed them

why horse?
slugger? logger?

lugger = conman
bugger, bugs
lugs = earlobes
why luggArs?

and listen to me
why listLE? thistle, whistle
why mINE?

cf? 399.18 "A power of highsteppers died game right enough but who, acushla, 'll beg coppers for you?"


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