Thursday, September 4, 2014

FW 1.72c --HCE adapts to death--

1.72a: Now be aisy, good Mr Finnimore, sir. And take your laysure like a god on pension...
1.72b: Meeting some sick old bankrupt or the Cottericks' donkey with his shoe hanging...
1.72c: but let your ghost have no grievance. You're better off, sir, where you are...
1.72d: and have all you want, pouch, gloves, flask, bricket, kerchief, ring and amberulla...
1.72e: And it isn't our spittle we'll stint you of, is it, druids? Not shabbty little imagettes, ...
1.72f: Poppypap's a passport out. And honey is the holiest thing ever was, hive, comb and earwax...
1.72g: Your fame is spreading like Basilico's ointment since the Fintan Lalors piped you overborder...
1.72h: And admiring to our supershillelagh where the palmsweat on high is the mark of your manument...
1.72i: and when you were undone in every point fore the laps of goddesses you showed our labourlasses...
1.72k: He's duddandgunne now and we're apter finding the sores of his sedeq but peace to his great limbs...
1.72l: No, nor a king nor an ardking, bung king, sung king or hung king. That you could fell an elmstree...
1.72m: If you was hogglebully itself and most frifty like you was taken waters still what all where was your like...
1.72n: But as Hopkins and Hopkins puts it, you were the pale eggynaggy and a kis to tilly up. We calls him...
1.72o: So may the priest of seven worms and scalding tayboil, Papa Vestray, come never anear you...
1.72p: Your heart is in the system of the Shewolf and your crested head is in the tropic of Copricapron...
1.72q: The loamsome roam to Laffayette is ended. Drop in your tracks, babe! Be not unrested!...
1.72r: For we have performed upon thee, thou abramanation, who comest ever without being invoked...

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FDV: "You're better off, sir, where you have all you want"

But let your ghost have no grievance.

Huck Finn 1: 'a sound that a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that's on its mind and can't make itself understood, and so can't rest easy in its grave and has to go about that way every night grieving'

You're better off, sir, where you are,

better stay dead

primesigned in the full of your dress, bloodeagle waistcoat and all,

Italian primo signatio: first signing

prime-signing: in the 10thC, prime-signing meant marking men with the sign of the cross, permitting their association with both Vikings and Christians

blood eagle: a method of execution mentioned in the Norse sagas, whereby the victim was sliced open along the spine, his ribs broken, and his lungs pulled out and spread wing-like across his back

German Blutegel: leech

remembering your shapes and sizes, on the pillow of your babycurls,

after enlightenment, Buddha learned of his past lives

remembering how as a small child he learned the words for shapes and sizes

cf? Muddest1: "Anyhow he was always fond of cardinals. Always would he {be} reciting them by heart so as to know the tenners thumbs down, ace, deuce, tricks, quarts, quims and on the other hand, sexes, suppers, oglers, novels and dices."

(shouldn't his babycurls rest on, eg, the pillow of his mother's breast?)

under your sycamore by the keld water

VI.B32.161: "Osiris buried ?sycomore ?grove"

Budge: The Book of the Dead (pamphlet)16: 'By some means or other Set did contrive to kill Osiris... Isis, accompanied by her sister Nephthys... rescued the body of her lord... They then laid the body in a tomb, and a sycamore tree grew round it and flourished over the grave'

keld = covered by a caul

where the Tory's clay will scare the varmints,

Tory Island off Irish coast; it was said that rats cannot live there and that mainlanders used earth from the island against rat infestations [map]

Dialect varmint: vermin (Huck Finn)


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